Author Archives: Premiere Dog

Initial Meet and Greet

There is a nominal fee of $20.00 for the initial consultation/meet and greet to confirm your appointment and for the required paperwork/administrative time. Upon signing on as a new client, you will receive a whiteboard, which we will leave detailed notes about our visit with your pet. The white board is a convenient location for […]

Potty Break

When your dog needs just a quick potty break: 10-15 minutes.

Dog Walk

Every owner knows the key to a happy dog is walks, walks, and more walks. It is our promise to not walk more than one dog at a time, not listen to music while on walks, or talk on our cell phone. Your dog’s safety is our number one priority!

Overnight Stays In Your Home

Leave your dog in capable, caring hands. There will be plenty of belly rubs and hugs while you are away.

Small Dog Boarding

Your small, housebroken dog is welcome in our home: a cage-less, loving environment in which your dog gets complete attention. No other dogs, as we only board one dog at a time. Our place is “puppy-proof” and safe for your friend. You should be prepared to provide food, treats and toys for your dog. Pick-up […]

Puppy Pilot Program

The initial months of your puppy’s life are extremely important in shaping him/her to be a mature adult canine. The requires proper socialization, (i.e. positive exposure to sounds, smells, images, etc). The Puppy Pilot Program assists the socialization process as your puppy matures. Puppies require so much that a typical workday of 9-12 hours is […]

“Home Alone” Package

This package has it all! Overnight stays at your house, a morning walk, mid-day walk, evening walk, and we will bring in your mail, water your plants, and cater to your normal routine. Everything most precious to you is covered!

Doggy Field Trips

Want to give your furry friend a special treat and more than just another walk? How about a field trip to a park, a nice car ride, or even a ride to your office so that you can walk your dog on a break or lunchtime.

Pet Taxi

Ooooh, Fluffy needs a bath. Double ooooh, you are working while the pet groomer is grooming. No problem. We can get your pet to the groomer, vet, airport, and any place you need via the pet taxi service.

Lock Box Service

One (1) key is required for entry to your home. Should you elect not to provide a key; a lock box is provided for an additional fee. This ensures that you have complete control of the key. A wall mounted lock box is $20 and a standard rail/door handle style lock box is $15. Please […]

Key Lockout Service

Should you inadvertently lock yourself out of your home, we will gladly arrive with your key 24/7. The fee for this service is $50.

Furminator Grooming

The patented FURminator deShedding Tool quickly and easily removes (it doesn’t cut, it removes) the loose, dead, undercoat hair that’s the underlying source of a pet owners major complaint – shedding and the allergies and cleanliness problems associated with excessive pet hair. The tool’s uniquely designed stainless steel edge grabs loose undercoat hair and harmlessly […]

Family Dog Meets New Baby Service

There’s nothing as exciting as preparing for the birth of a baby. While you’re planning the color of the nursery and picking out items for your baby registry, don’t overlook one very important step in getting ready for your new baby – preparing the family dog. If you’re wondering when the best time is to […]